吉玻民主行动党宣传局今日发表文告炮轰马青吉打州团长王孙文对该党展开无的放矢, 意图转移人民对马华近日处于水深火热的悲惨局面的视线, 也藉于掩盖马华总会长拿督翁诗杰被指涉嫌私下收取国阵后座议员俱乐部主席张庆信的一千万元政治献金一事.
该局强调, 民主行动党向来秉持原则办事, 针对宰猪场一事, 广大群众也皆知乃马华多年来在前朝国阵里争取不成, 却苟延耍赖而造成; 对此, 民主行动党亦不想再加于追究马华执政时的无能, 但既然大臣已于日前会见该党州级领袖时作出承诺, 刻在准备批准文件, 于近日内颁布正式批准信函于宰猪业者, 以在新地点建设起来. 因此, 该党认为, 上述事件既然已获得大臣批准, 王孙文就应该”与时并进”, 事实求是, 而非不知不觉的为尝发文告出风头的滋味, 为反对而反对.
民主行动党向来勇于为人民的利益被剥夺而牺牲小我, 这也是为何民主行动党主导的槟州政府, 在刚过去的峇东巴西补选能够继续受到各族群的支持, 让盟党的候选人以高票中选; 然而, 马华全体上下, 包括王孙文, 敢因在国阵体制内受到巫统的蔑视欺侮而勇敢吭声吗? 还不是继续为五斗米折腰?
该局也质疑, 马华是因为害怕民主行动党将在接下来的日子举行一系列的全民政治局势醒觉活动, 而把所有国阵内的丑闻加以揭发而开始惶恐不安, 尤其是即将在3/9/2009举行的首场”政事时候”系列讲座会, 将揭开巴生港口自贸区一百二十五亿令吉丑闻, 翁诗杰被指收取一千万政治献金, 霹雳州政权被非法强夺, 赵明福事件等”怪事”, 更令马华上下开始不安.
因此, 吉玻民主行动党宣传局奉劝马青吉打州团长王孙文稍安勿燥, 也不要一昧为提高自己的曝光率而三天两日发文告逞文采之瘾. 身为州团长的王氏应该更积极的推动党务或参与平息马华的内部大乱, 否则马华绝大可能在下届大选被选民唾弃送进博物馆.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
SPRM diminta menjalankan siasatan kes RM 10 Juta dengan segera
DAP Kedah telah membuat laporan di Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Cawangan Alor Setar, pada pukul 12.30 tengahari, mengenai dakwaan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif KDSB, Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bintulu, terhadap Presiden MCA merangkap Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat bahawa Tiong sendiri telah “menderma” RM 10 juta kepada Presiden MCA, Ong Tee Keat dalam tahun 2008, atas permintaan beliau dengan tujuan untuk memperuntukan wang tersebut kepada Bahagian-bahagian MCA sebagai wang aktiviti.
Datuk Seri Tiong juga menjelaskan bahawa wang sebanyak RM 10 juta tersebut dibayar secara tunai dalam tiga peringkat sewaktu pertemuan dengan presiden MCA itu di Petaling Jaya dan Kuala Lumpur.
DAP ingin meminta pihak SPRM supaya menjalankan siasatan tersebut dengan serta-merta sepertimana yang telah dijalankan terhadap ADUN-ADUN Pakatan Rakyat, khasnya di Negeri Selangor.
DAP meminta pihak SPRM menjalankan penyiasatan terhadap dakwaan tersebut dari aspek-aspek seperti:-
(i)Oleh sebab dakwaan itu dibuat dari “Penderma wang” sendiri, iaitu YB Tiong King Sing, dan beliau juga memberitahu kepada media bahawa tujuan yang diberi oleh YB Ong Tee Keat semasa berunding dengan beliau adalah “Untuk menggunakan / memperuntukan wang tersebut di bahagian-bahagian MCA seluruh Negara”
(a)Atas sebab ini, DAP ingin bertanya, adakah wang tersebut diperuntukan kepada semua bahagian MCA?
(b)Kalau tidak, manakah wang sebanyak RM 10 juta yang “diderma dengan tujuan aktiviti bahagian-bahagian MCA” itu pergi?
(ii)Scandal penyalahgunaan wang Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) yang baru-baru ini melibatkan syarikat Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) yang dipunyai oleh Datuk Seri Tiong. Pihak Port Klang Authority (PKA) telah membuat laporan polis kerana disyaki berlakunya penipuan, kecuaian, salah laku dan penyelewengan sehingga RM 1 billion oleh KDSB dan kemungkinan besar berlakunya penyelewengan dalam kes PKFZ yang akan dibongkar akan datang.
(a)Adakah “dermaan wang” oleh Datuk Seri Tiong kepada Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat itu terbabit dalam kes rasuah, sebagai wang “tutup mulut” mengenai scandal PKFZ untuk Ong supaya beliau yang juga merangkap Menteri Pengangkutan dapat mengenepikan scandal tersebut daripada terdedah?
(b)Sebelum Datuk Seri Ong jadi Menteri Pengangkutan, adakah Menteri Pengangkutan yang terdahulu juga dapat “dermaan” lain dari Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing? Berapakah jumlahnya?
(iii)Sungguhpun Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat telah menafikan pada 12 Ogos, 2009 bahawa beliau pernah menerima wang “derma” tersebut dari Datuk Seri Tiong, tetapi sepertimana yang dikatakan oleh Datuk Seri Tiong, beliau mempunyai saksi dan boleh membuktikan pada bila-bila masa.
(a)DAP meminta pihak SPRM supaya mendapatkan maklumat-maklumat dan bukti-bukti daripada Datuk Seri Tiong, kerana kes ini dilihati terbabit dalam kes penipuan sekiranya wang tersebut diminta atas tujuan “untuk aktiviti bahagian-bahagian MCA” tetapi disalahgunakan oleh seseorang peribadi.
DAP merayu kepada ketua-ketua bahagian MCA seluruh Negara, supaya memberi akuan atau penjelasan kepada orang ramai bahawa, adakah sebanyak RM 10 juta tersebut telah diperuntukan dan diterima daripada Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat?Sekiranya wang tersebut belum didapat oleh bahagian-bahagian MCA, DAP bersedia untuk memberi bantuan kepada bahagian-bahagian MCA supaya dapat “mengejar-balik” wang tersebut dari tangan Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
马华应该即刻释疑, 或投报警方及反贪污局!
吉玻民主行動党宣傳局吁請馬華, 尤其是恫言報警對付造謠者的馬青中委林文議, 應該就民都魯區國陣議員張慶信于今日親口證實, 曾應馬華總會長翁詩杰基于政治需要, 私下捐出一千万令吉于翁氏, 充作區會基金一事, 即刻向警方及反貪污委員會作出投報, 以還原真相.
“張慶信于今日向网絡新聞當今大馬記者證實他的确曾將合計一千万令吉現款, 分成三次在八打靈及吉隆坡交于翁詩杰. ”
民主行動党宣傳局強調, 既然已獲得張慶信證實, 馬華現在必須為其獲得的一千万令吉釋疑,
即(一): 翁詩杰是否的确有將該筆款項分配于馬華區會? 若是沒有, 則反貪污委員會應該即刻展開調查, 因為這對身為內閣部長的翁詩杰的個人清譽及廉正問題是非常重要的.
(二) 該筆款項是否涉嫌政治賄賂? 意即要身為交通部長的翁詩杰對巴生港口自由貿易區丑聞网開一面, 繼續姑息養奸? 尤其是張慶信乃巴生港口自由貿易區丑聞中, 被港務局指涉嫌超額索領”報大數”之承包商Kuala Dimensi (KDSB) 的老板之一.
吉玻民主行動党宣傳局強烈要求馬華, 尤其是馬華各區會必須為此事件證實是否收到該款項的分配. 該局也指出, 發生這類事情已證實了國陣各成員党內的金錢政治已經病入膏肓.雖然該局要求馬華報警及告上反貪污委員會, 但該局強調絕對沒有興趣處理馬華党內派系斗爭, 而是為千千万万的大馬人, 包括已經退出馬華的党員揭開真相.
“張慶信于今日向网絡新聞當今大馬記者證實他的确曾將合計一千万令吉現款, 分成三次在八打靈及吉隆坡交于翁詩杰. ”
民主行動党宣傳局強調, 既然已獲得張慶信證實, 馬華現在必須為其獲得的一千万令吉釋疑,
即(一): 翁詩杰是否的确有將該筆款項分配于馬華區會? 若是沒有, 則反貪污委員會應該即刻展開調查, 因為這對身為內閣部長的翁詩杰的個人清譽及廉正問題是非常重要的.
(二) 該筆款項是否涉嫌政治賄賂? 意即要身為交通部長的翁詩杰對巴生港口自由貿易區丑聞网開一面, 繼續姑息養奸? 尤其是張慶信乃巴生港口自由貿易區丑聞中, 被港務局指涉嫌超額索領”報大數”之承包商Kuala Dimensi (KDSB) 的老板之一.
吉玻民主行動党宣傳局強烈要求馬華, 尤其是馬華各區會必須為此事件證實是否收到該款項的分配. 該局也指出, 發生這類事情已證實了國陣各成員党內的金錢政治已經病入膏肓.雖然該局要求馬華報警及告上反貪污委員會, 但該局強調絕對沒有興趣處理馬華党內派系斗爭, 而是為千千万万的大馬人, 包括已經退出馬華的党員揭開真相.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
巫统不听马华劝告 人民需拉倒国阵 才享有自由
来源:风云时报(www.therocknews.com) 作者:公民记者:程嘉乐
巫统不听马华劝告 人民拉倒国阵才有自由
There is many a truth in the parody 模拟片段背后的真相
So the heat was on. Friday was the dateline. They wanted Tan Sri Khalid and his team arrested that same day. And they would have to use force if necessary to get Teoh to say what the MACC wanted him to say to meet this dateline.
NO HOLDS BARRED - Raja Petra Kamarudin
Some of you may think that the MACC Downfall Parody video is in bad taste. I mean, how can we make fun of Teoh Beng Hock’s death when we should instead be mourning him? Yes, it was a hard decision to make as to whether to publish that video or not. But we decided to do it anyway not with intent to make fun of Teoh’s death but to reveal the real circumstances behind his death. And the video best describes the events behind what really happened.
Many months ago, soon after Perak fell, Malaysia Today had revealed the plan to bring down the Pakatan Rakyat state governments of Selangor, Penang and Kedah. Unfortunately, instead of taking corrective measures by strengthening their defences against the onslaught, Pakatan Rakyat became embroiled in inter-party and intra-party bickering. And most of the bickering was about petty and personal issues involving personalities and egos.
Perak was supposed to be the beginning. Selangor, Penang and Kedah were supposed to follow suit. In time, all the states under Pakatan Rakyat, save Kelantan, would be back in the hands of Barisan Nasional.The Selangor plan was simple. The Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, and a few of the Selangor State EXCO Members would be arrested for corruption. They would be held a day or so in the lockup and then dragged to court to be charged. The trial would be speedy so that their resignations or disqualifications would come fast. And that would be the end of the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government.
The modus operandi would be the same as what they did to Anwar Ibrahim in 1998. One need not actually receive money or benefit financially for it to be regarded as corruption. Even if your office is used in what could be perceived as an abuse of power or you personally instruct someone to ‘do something’ -- even if it does not involve money or financial gain -- that too would be considered corruption and you can be sent to jail.So the MACC was instructed to build a case against various people in the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government, from the Menteri Besar down to his team of EXCO Members. And to implicate these people in corruption the junior officers would be hauled in and forced to make statements that their bosses instructed them to ‘do certain things’. This would be the ‘evidence’ they use to arrest and charge the Pakatan Rakyat leaders.
We must remember, Anwar Ibrahim was arrested, charged, put on trial, pronounced guilty, and sent to jail for six years in exactly the same manner. All they needed to do was to get the Special Branch to ‘reveal’ that Anwar had instructed them to ‘interfere’ in a police investigation. And that was strong enough evidence to send Anwar to jail.This whole thing came out in Anwar’s trial back in 1998 although many did not understand the implications at that time. The Special Branch officers testified that Anwar had summoned them to his office. And in Anwar’s office they engaged in a conversation. And the conversation involved Anwar asking the Special Branch to help force the witness, Azizan Abu Bakar, to retract his allegation of sodomy.Azmin Ali, Anwar’s political secretary at that time, testified that Anwar did not summon the Special Branch officers to his office. They had in fact come to Anwar’s office with a request to meet Anwar. Azmin told them that Anwar is busy and would not be able to meet them. But they told Azmin it is important that they meet Anwar and insisted that they be allowed to meet him.And when they met Anwar they tried to persuade him to give them permission to arrest Azizan so that they could interrogate him and find out who are the ‘forces’ behind the allegation of sodomy. But Anwar was reluctant to allow them to do that and told them he would have to think about it first.Anwar then went to meet Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to seek his advice. Mahathir advised Anwar to just ignore the allegation. Mahathir said if he acted on every allegation made against him he would have no time to do any other work. The Special Branch officers came to meet Anwar again and Anwar told them what Mahathir had said. The Special Branch officers, however, insisted that Anwar allow them to arrest Azizan. This matter involves national security, they said. It is not about Anwar. It is about ‘certain forces’ plotting the downfall of the Deputy Prime Minister and it is important that the police find out who they are for the sake of the nation’s security. Finally Anwar had no choice but to say yes.
The issue is simple. Did Anwar summon the Special Branch officers to his office or was it they who came to see Anwar? And was it Anwar who wanted them to arrest Azizan or was it the Special Branch who sought permission to arrest Azizan? Anwar and Azmin said it was the Special Branch officers who came to Anwar’s office and it was they who insisted that they meet Anwar. Anwar did not summon them to his office. And Anwar did not agree for them to arrest Azizan. It was the Special Branch that insisted Anwar allow them to arrest Azizan. But before they could do that Anwar would first have to make a police report.The court accepted the Special Branch’s version of the story rather than Anwar’s and Azmin’s although during the trial the Special Branch officers testified that they were prepared to lie while on the stand if ordered to do so.
Nevertheless, Anwar was found guilty and was sent to jail.So it is not difficult to send someone to jail for corruption. All you need to do is to get someone to testify that someone instructed him or her to ‘do something’. And if that ‘something’ is considered an abuse of power then you go to jail.
The MACC wanted Teoh to say that he too was ordered to ‘do something’ by those in the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state government. If he says that then the MACC would have a case against the Pakatan Rakyat leaders. And they wanted the whole thing done fast. It must be settled by Friday because that was the day they wanted to arrest Tan Sri Khalid and a few of his EXCO Members.So the heat was on. Friday was the dateline. They wanted Tan Sri Khalid and his team arrested that same day. And they would have to use force if necessary to get Teoh to say what the MACC wanted him to say to meet this dateline. And in their eagerness to get Teoh to talk they killed him. So the crucial witness was now dead. And they could not arrest Tan Sri Khalid and his team of EXCO Members on Friday as planned after all. So it is back to the drawing board. They will now need new ‘witnesses’. Other junior officers in the Pakatan Rakyat state government would need to be hauled in as ‘witnesses’ and would have to be made to testify under force that they had been instructed to ‘do certain things’ by ‘certain people’. Then these ‘certain people’ can be arrested and charged for corruption. And only then will the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state government fall as planned.
Yes, watch the MACC Downfall Parody video again. There is many a truth in that parody. The video may appear funny. It may look like it is meant as a joke. But it is not at all humorous in what they did to Teoh in their effort to bring down the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state government.
(转载并翻译自: NO HOLDS BARRED - Raja Petra Kamarudin http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24662/84/ )
(转载并翻译自: NO HOLDS BARRED - Raja Petra Kamarudin http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24662/84/ )
这视频最能说明背后究竟发生了什么事。许多个月前,霹雳州陷落后,今日大马透露了扳倒民联雪兰莪,槟城和吉打州政府的计划。不幸的是,原本该采取纠正措施加强其防御力,民联反而卷入跨党派争吵和党内争吵。而且大多数争吵起因是小气,个人的问题和涉及人物的自负。霹雳州被认为是一个开端, 接下来是雪兰莪,槟城和吉打州。随着时间的流逝,除了吉兰丹, 所有的民联州属将回到国阵的手中 。雪兰莪的计划很简单。州务大臣卡立伊布拉欣和部份的雪兰莪州行政议员将涉嫌贪污。他们将被监禁一天,然后拖到法院被起诉。审判将非常迅速的使他们辞职或被取消资格。这将结束雪兰莪州民联政府。
作案手法将同他们在1998年对安华做过的一样。一个实际上并不需要收取现金或财务受益却被视为贪污滥权的手法。即使您使用办公室可能被视为滥用权力,或你指示某人'做某些事情' -即使它并不涉及金钱或金钱利益-这也将被视为贪污滥权,而你就可以进监狱了。因此,反贪会被指示建立一个针对各雪州民联政府成员的案件,从州务大臣到他的行政议员。涉及的低级官员将被迫发表声明说,他们的上司指示他们"做某些事情"。这将是反贪会逮捕和控告民联领导人的'证据'。
阿兹敏阿里告诉他们,安华的公务繁忙而将无法接见。但是,他们告诉阿兹敏阿里有重要的事,并坚持他们要与安华会面。和安华会面时,"特别部门"人员试图说服安华给他们逮捕阿兹赞的许可,使他们能够审问阿兹赞并找出谁是鸡奸指控背后的主谋。但是,安华是不愿意让他们这样做,并告诉他们,他会先想一想。安华接着征求首相敦马哈迪医生的意见。马哈迪建议安华不理这一指控。马哈迪说,如果他对针对他提出的每一个指控采取行动的话,他将没有时间做其他任何的工作。"特别部门"人员再次来见安华,安华告诉他们马哈迪的说法。但是"特别部门"人员还是坚持要安华让他们逮捕阿兹赞, 因为这个问题涉及到国家安全。他们说他们不是因为安华,而是因为"某些势力"策划倒副首相, 警察要揪出他们是谁,重点是为了国家的安全。最后安华没有别的选择,只能说好的。
这个问题很简单。安华没有传唤"特别部门"人员到他的办公室,还是他们自己来见安华?是安华希望他们逮捕阿兹赞,还是"特别部门"人员寻求许可逮捕阿兹赞?安华和阿兹敏阿里说,这是"特别部门"人员来到安华的办事处,因此,他们坚持他们要见安华。安华没有传唤他们到他的办公室。安华不同意他们逮捕阿兹赞。这是"特别部门"人员坚持安华让他们逮捕阿兹赞。但在此之前安华首先必须报警。法院接受了"特别部门"人员版本的故事,而不是安华的和阿兹敏阿里的。虽然"特别部门"人员作证说,他们准备说谎,如果被下令这样做。尽管如此,安华被裁定罪名成立,被送往监狱。因此,贪污滥权不难送人到监狱。所有你需要做的是让某人作证,有人指示某人那样做 。如果那被认为是滥用权力,那么你将被送往监狱。
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